Tuesday 30 June 2020

thing about Australia

WALT: learn thing about a counter of our choice my counter was Australia. 

my favourite part was finding out the information.  i did this on google slides and i got the images from google. this is my slid about Australia.

are you from Australia? do you like Australia?

Friday 26 June 2020

awesome maths

WALT: post you maths strategy.

my favourite part was doing the maths.
do you like doing maths?

Cool Maori

WALT: watch a video about saying hello in Maori.

my favourite part was making the comic. I did this on google slides and i got the images from google.
do you know any other works in Maori?

Friday 19 June 2020

My Maths strategy

WALT: put our maths strategy o n our blog.

my maths task was to count up one number or down one.

my favourite part was counting up one number.
do you like maths? this is my maths

God R.E

WALT: put a image of God on our blogs for R.E.

do you like eagles?

i got this image from google 

Thursday 18 June 2020

John 15:1 Matthew 23:27

WALT:make a google slid of drawing about John 15:1 Matthew 23:27 or others. Me and Anna did it about John 15:1 Matthew 23:27 i did John 15:1 and Anna did Matthew 23:27.

my favourite part was making the slid.  do you like making things on google slids?

Wednesday 17 June 2020

punctuation comic with animals

WALT: explain punctuation. 

my favourite part was making the comic. 

i got the animal photos from google and i did this on google slides.

whats your favourite comic book? 

Friday 12 June 2020

my maths

WALT: do my maths and post.

my favourite part was doing the maths 

do you like maths?

my Punctuation

WALT: (the reads can help) make a sentence with mistakes i  it.

my favourite part was making the paragraph.
do you like fixing things?


WALT: make a google drawing about friends.

my favourite part was making the Animals say things.
i got these from the internet the Animals are a Fennec fox, Cotton-top tamarin, panda and a squirrel
do you like any of these animals? 

Friday 5 June 2020

my hotspot task

WALT: post a hotspot task

5 facts about red pandas 

1. Red Pandas live in china 

2. there are 10,000 Red Pandas left in the world 

3. Red Pandas eat bamboo 

4. why are Red Pandas called Red Pandas? it is believed the Red Panda was given the name Panda which derived from the Nepalese word: nigalya  ponya meaning bamboo eater 

5. they have a false thumb (an extended wrist bone) which has developed over time to help them climb trees and eat bamboo 

do you know any facts about Red Pandas? 

time for maths

WALT: post a peace of maths 

my favourite part was matching up the letters with the words.

do you like doing maths?


Wednesday 3 June 2020

punctuation time

WALT: make Animal say punctuation
my favourite part was finding some Animals to put on the goggle drawing 

i got the the Animals of goggle and i did this on goggle drawings 

my Animal punctuation
do you like any of these Animals? do you have any other punctuation?