Friday 31 July 2020

my Thankful list

WALT: for prays write what we are thankful for 

my favourite part was making some of the photos 
what are you thankful for?

Friday 24 July 2020


WALT: read the subtitles 

my favourite activity was unscramble the words 

i kind of liked the movie we watched, the movie we watched was meat the Robinsons. have you seen the movie?

Caring Certificate

WALT: make a certificate about caring.

my favourite part was making the Certificate.

my least favourite part was trying to make the medal.
the certificate was hard to do

have you made a certificate before?

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Wacky would you rather

WALT: Record augments and back them up with evidence
Mr Gray said we had write a argument about the one we would choose out of an Eagle or a Lion i chose a Eagle 
what would you choose out of a Lion or a Eagle?



Thursday 9 July 2020

wonderful winter wonder land

WALT: do a slideshow about 10 winter activities you can only do in winter.

my favourite part was finding out the information.

i got the pictures from google.

what is you favourite winter activity and why?

song maker about winter

WALT: make a song or a rhythm about winter and why it reminds you.

my favourite part was making the song. 

it was kind of hard to get a rhythm that reminds me of winter. 

it sounds like rain it was hard, i did this on chrome music lab and recorded it on screencastify.

have you ever made a song or a rhythm with song maker?

Friday 3 July 2020

chrome canvas

WALT:on chrome canvas do our dojo character

my favourite part was making the custom colours.

do you do chrome canvas? do you do class dojo?