Friday 11 December 2020

A picture can tell a lot of words

 WALT: write a story with 300 words 

this is my story it took me no to long to do its about jellie park

you like jellie park? and why?

One day I went to the pool. I went to the diving boards there were two a small and a big one. There was a massive line for the small one so I went on the big one. Someone said the water is 30 meters deep and some other person said no one has ever jumped of since someone jumped off and almost drowned. That didn't scare me i raced up stood on the diving board looked down someone said have your arms up or down but not to the sides so i jumped every one was looking at me then it was time i jumped it was fine then people were asking me questions then i told them just jump from the big one its not scary just DON'T look down so then I did a flip of the small one. Then went on the big one someone hurt themself twice in a row then i went on the hydroslide the curvy one was my favourite i had fun then i went back to the diving board then i saw Emily there on the small one then i told her that the big one was not scary so she went on the big one she loved it then we had to get changed and go back to school.  

My Super Duper Duffy book

 WALT: Be grateful for the things we receive 

this is my book, thank you Duffy i really like this book.

 i enjoyed reading it. whats your favorite book.                                                                                                    


Friday 4 December 2020

Nyan cat at school

 WALT: make a story of nyan cat coming to school 

my favorite part was making the story  

do you like nyan cat?

my comic

 WALT: make a story with some one then make it  a comic

have you done this before?


 WALT: do a Advent slid

my favorite part was filling out the slide and Logan did most of the slid show it is a very good slide show

What are you hopeful for?