Monday 29 July 2019

The chocolate shoe

The chocolate shoe

WALT: hook my audience with a catchy sentence

On a cold winter morning me, mum, dad and Leah we went to the Tannery. We had a look around and we saw a cat statue, it was adorable. After we went to a bar at the Tannery and we had hot chips and drinks. I had raspberry lemonade it was yum and after we had hot chips we had a chocolate mousse cake with a cherry on top and I ate the cherry. When we left the bar I saw a chocolate spoon and a chocolate shoe it was amazing I really enjoyed it and it was so fun.


Have you ever been to the Tannery?


  1. sounds so cool and i have-int been to the tannery did you have fun?

    1. yes it was amazing the were also chocolate dog paws


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