Wednesday 15 April 2020

How To Make Honey Crackles

WALT: learn how to cook Honey Crackles

you will need: 4 cups of cornflakes, 100 g butter, 3 tablespoons of honey.


Arrange 24 patty pans on an oven tray. Set the oven temperature to 140 C. Measure the cornflakes into a mixing bowl. Place the butter and honey in a saucepan over low heat until completely melted. Let it bubble for a few seconds and then take it off the stove. Pour the hot liquid over the cornflakes and mix carefully without crushing the cornflakes. All the flakes should be well coated. Spoon corn flake mix into the patty pans until they are full. Place the tray in the oven and cook for about 10 minutes. Set aside to cool before serving.

my favourite part was making them. my lest favourite part was waiting for them to cook.

have you made this before? 

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