Saturday 30 May 2020

my stop motion the cubby

WALT: make a stop motion 

my favourite part was make the stop motion and putting sound on 
i made this stop motion with Lego and made it on stop motion animator and edited on Wevideo 

this is my stop motion 
(sorry i cant do the one with music) 
do you like making houses with Lego?


  1. Hi Holly, what a great video you have created. I love the house you made. Did it take you a long time to make this video? I love watching Lego Masters on TV have you ever watched this?

    1. hello i did not take to long. no i have never watched it

  2. this was a very cool stop motion just one thing you need to work on is make sure you try and get out of the way before you take the photo. how many photos did you take?

    1. hey Anna it is hard to get out of the way when you do it i dont know how many photos i took. but it was fun


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