Sunday 27 September 2020

Maths word problems

 WALT: for Spring learning journey.

my favourite part was making the problem.

do you like doing word problems?

i got this image from the internet  

Maths problem
My maths problem

The difference between a comic strip a comic book and a cartoon

 WALT: for Spring learning journey find out the  difference between a comic strip a comic book and a cartoon.

My favourite part was finding the images.

do you read comics books? what is your favourite comic book?


Friday 18 September 2020

Kei te pehea koe?

 WALT: do felling in Maori 

do you know any other felling?

Red Panda

 WALT: write about a animal of your choose.

whats your favourite animal?

number trail

 WALT: make the number you get given 

do you like maths?

my book review

 WALT: find a non-fiction and write you favourite prat and charterers. 

the book i did was a national geographic, do you read national geographies?

Tuesday 15 September 2020


 WALT: make one peace of paper heaver and one lighter.

my favourite part was making the heavy one. The heavy one fell first so it worked 

have you done something like this befour?


Friday 11 September 2020

My new Duffy book

 WALT: say thank you to Duffy 

the books i got were the baby sitters club Claudia and mean Janine and Amulet Firelight 

Thank you Duffy. have you read any of thees books?


book character day

 WALT: do a blog post about our character

 i dressed up a Jack scratch a pirate cat 

have you dressed up as a pirate cat befour?

Thursday 10 September 2020

book character day

 WALT: make a poster about our book character day mufti 

this is my poster 

have you read Jack Scratch?

Friday 4 September 2020

My maths

 WALT: for maths do divided by

do you like doing maths?


 WALT: for art make monsters and colour them in and colour them in with die.

my favourite part was drawing it, this is my monster.

have you made a monster?


My writing

 WALT: do some good writing

in room 3 Mr Gray showed us a picture of a stair case 

this is my writing.

There was a magical stair case with flowers and plants and rosy pink stairs, with cotton candy looking clouds as i walk up i hare the beautiful sound of the waves a butterfly on my head it was silver white. The sun shining making the ocean glisten. As i went up i past the foggy clouds it was mistrial...

whats your best writing?   

Thursday 3 September 2020

facts about mars

 WALT: find five facts about mars

in room 3 my reading group had to 5 facts about mars 

do you know any other facts about mars?

Wednesday 2 September 2020


 WALT: make a plane diagram 

my favourite part was making my plane on chrome canvas 

have you been on a plane?