Wednesday 14 April 2021

The last Supper

 WALT: read some of the Bible.

At Passover Jesus and his disciples went to Passover on the 1 of April to have the last supper and say good bye

the positive part of this story is Jesus could see his disciples for the last time

the negative part of the story is Judas would betray of money

I feel sad that Judas betray him


do you know anything about the last supper?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Holly. My name is Anna and I am a student at NBC.

    I like your comic Holly. It's very nice how you did the last supper.
    I love the images you used. Did you think about adding legs under the table when Jesus is standing. I noticed at the end you didn't use the people at the table and how you highlighted your hats and yes I do know what happened in the last supper.
    Why did you choose to do the last supper?


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