Friday 27 November 2020


 WALT: find out some thing about Fatima

have you heard the Fatima Prayer?

Crazy story

 WALT: get into pears and make a story.

have you done this befour?

Number of the week

 WALT: we have a number a we have to try make that number

it was fun to make my number out of money. whats your favorite number?


map with New Zealand places

 WALT: find some New Zealand places and put them on a map

are you from New Zealand?


Friday 20 November 2020

Wedding at Cana video

 WALT: do a wedding at Cana video 

have you ever done a wedding at Cana video?

Thursday 19 November 2020

From the lambs perspective

 WALT: Write a story from someones perspective 

have you feed a lamb?

Diary so today
I was put somewhere when i got there i was thinking why am i in this tiny space i was happy because i was not the only one, then these random people came in i was so scared i tried to hide in a corner but i don't think that worked. All the people left there were like 20 or something people left. THEN FINALLY FREEDOM! I was looking out this thing i can see through I just wanted to what's the word… oh ya run i just wanted to run away but then we got put back in this small space it felt like i was in there for hours then i was free again the these BIG hands where trapping me then he put something on me i felt like i was in jail i wasn't so bad but baring maybe annoying them he he he. Fresh air now I'm back in that smelly place in that corner HELP ME!!!! I want to go home and sleep. 


Monday 9 November 2020

Trip recount

 WALT: Write a recount about our trip to the library, museum and Margaret Mahy

have you been to the moon exhibit at the museum?

On Thursday room 3 and room 2 went on the bus  to the museum and the library and Margaret Mahy but the bus was late because Mr Gray said the wrong time.

Room 3 went to Margaret Mahy and the library first I was climbing on the big spider web. It was SO hot outside. We also had some food to give us energy.

Then we went to the library. I got out a book and we went to Imagination station. I chose the sisters because I have read book 1 and wanted to read the next one. There was a slide we went in a little grass room. Me and some of my friends doid a little performance. I did silly things like silly dances! It was so cool.

Then we had lunch outside the musuem. Finally the museum. We  went to the moon exhibit and we made some games and played some games we played ring toss and marbles.