Thursday 19 November 2020

From the lambs perspective

 WALT: Write a story from someones perspective 

have you feed a lamb?

Diary so today
I was put somewhere when i got there i was thinking why am i in this tiny space i was happy because i was not the only one, then these random people came in i was so scared i tried to hide in a corner but i don't think that worked. All the people left there were like 20 or something people left. THEN FINALLY FREEDOM! I was looking out this thing i can see through I just wanted to what's the word… oh ya run i just wanted to run away but then we got put back in this small space it felt like i was in there for hours then i was free again the these BIG hands where trapping me then he put something on me i felt like i was in jail i wasn't so bad but baring maybe annoying them he he he. Fresh air now I'm back in that smelly place in that corner HELP ME!!!! I want to go home and sleep. 


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