Friday 28 August 2020


 WALT: for maths do times tables.

do you like maths?

Gods Presence

 WALT: on a google drawings ad an image of what we think Gods presence are in.

what do you think Gods presence are in?

Amazing New Brighton

 WALT: write a persuasive peace of writing.

my favourite part was thinking of the places in New Brighton 

have you been to the New Brighton hot pools?

Friday 21 August 2020

Kawa of care

 WALT: we are learning to use our Chromebooks responsibly

my favourite part was writing the kawa of care thing on the padlet

have you got a Chromebook?

Made with Padlet

Thursday 20 August 2020

Marvellous Magnets 🧲

 WALT: find out where the magnets come from

my favourite part was find out where they are and come from🧲

do you have magnets?


Wednesday 12 August 2020

would you rather

 WALT: write a would you rather 

im room 3 we are learning to persuade people 

would you rather be a sports star or a movie star?

i would rather be a movie star

what would you rather?   

Friday 7 August 2020

Marble game

WALT: make a marble game and play it 
my favourite part was playing it with Charlee and Emily. 
my lest favourite part was hurting my thumb.
how to play 

step 1. get Lego people of some thing like that in the shape of a pyramid.

 step 2. if you knock down 1 cup you get 1 point if you knock down 2 or more you get 2 points at the end of the game you knock down the end card and if you do you get 3 points

step 3.  the person with the most points win 

4. you can have up to 3 of 4 people play 

have you made a marble game?

joyful journey

WALT: trace all the places where Paul went

he went to a lot of places 
do you know any other places he went?

Wednesday 5 August 2020

pray fest

WALT: what life was like in the early church.

for prays we all got a card that had s o or w on it w go lots of money (fake money) s go 40 or 30c and o got in between that. We all had to put our money together to eat the food on the table we had hundreds and thousands cookies and chips. Mr Gray set people up to get some food we all got some it was fun.

have you ever done something like this?