Wednesday 5 August 2020

pray fest

WALT: what life was like in the early church.

for prays we all got a card that had s o or w on it w go lots of money (fake money) s go 40 or 30c and o got in between that. We all had to put our money together to eat the food on the table we had hundreds and thousands cookies and chips. Mr Gray set people up to get some food we all got some it was fun.

have you ever done something like this?



  1. Konnichiwa Holly,
    I love this post because it has so much detail and the DLO is really amazing
    I love it! I wish I could of been there for the celebration sounds really fu n! next time you could write about the early church more,so we can get the jist of it and why you had to do this.
    sayonara! from Emily

  2. Kia Ora Holly,
    I really like that you study your religon and then educate people about it.
    This reminds me of when I go to church (I am Christen).
    Maybe next time you could explain a bit more about the religon for people who don't know your religon.
    Kind Regards Leandri


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