Wednesday 12 August 2020

would you rather

 WALT: write a would you rather 

im room 3 we are learning to persuade people 

would you rather be a sports star or a movie star?

i would rather be a movie star

what would you rather?   

1 comment:

  1. Konnichiwa Holly,
    I agree I would be a movie too, you have some great points Holly I think that you could go and persuade someone with this, I love how you said that you can make new friends that´s the best point in my eyes, this reminds me of the documentary I watched a year ago about making movies and you story made me think about Hollywood! next time make sure that you don´t click on the text box before you take a screen shot.
    whats you favourite movie of TV program? mine is Sailor moon crystal or love live sunshine! whats yours?


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