Friday 11 December 2020

A picture can tell a lot of words

 WALT: write a story with 300 words 

this is my story it took me no to long to do its about jellie park

you like jellie park? and why?

One day I went to the pool. I went to the diving boards there were two a small and a big one. There was a massive line for the small one so I went on the big one. Someone said the water is 30 meters deep and some other person said no one has ever jumped of since someone jumped off and almost drowned. That didn't scare me i raced up stood on the diving board looked down someone said have your arms up or down but not to the sides so i jumped every one was looking at me then it was time i jumped it was fine then people were asking me questions then i told them just jump from the big one its not scary just DON'T look down so then I did a flip of the small one. Then went on the big one someone hurt themself twice in a row then i went on the hydroslide the curvy one was my favourite i had fun then i went back to the diving board then i saw Emily there on the small one then i told her that the big one was not scary so she went on the big one she loved it then we had to get changed and go back to school.  

My Super Duper Duffy book

 WALT: Be grateful for the things we receive 

this is my book, thank you Duffy i really like this book.

 i enjoyed reading it. whats your favorite book.                                                                                                    


Friday 4 December 2020

Nyan cat at school

 WALT: make a story of nyan cat coming to school 

my favorite part was making the story  

do you like nyan cat?

my comic

 WALT: make a story with some one then make it  a comic

have you done this before?


 WALT: do a Advent slid

my favorite part was filling out the slide and Logan did most of the slid show it is a very good slide show

What are you hopeful for?

Friday 27 November 2020


 WALT: find out some thing about Fatima

have you heard the Fatima Prayer?

Crazy story

 WALT: get into pears and make a story.

have you done this befour?

Number of the week

 WALT: we have a number a we have to try make that number

it was fun to make my number out of money. whats your favorite number?


map with New Zealand places

 WALT: find some New Zealand places and put them on a map

are you from New Zealand?


Friday 20 November 2020

Wedding at Cana video

 WALT: do a wedding at Cana video 

have you ever done a wedding at Cana video?

Thursday 19 November 2020

From the lambs perspective

 WALT: Write a story from someones perspective 

have you feed a lamb?

Diary so today
I was put somewhere when i got there i was thinking why am i in this tiny space i was happy because i was not the only one, then these random people came in i was so scared i tried to hide in a corner but i don't think that worked. All the people left there were like 20 or something people left. THEN FINALLY FREEDOM! I was looking out this thing i can see through I just wanted to what's the word… oh ya run i just wanted to run away but then we got put back in this small space it felt like i was in there for hours then i was free again the these BIG hands where trapping me then he put something on me i felt like i was in jail i wasn't so bad but baring maybe annoying them he he he. Fresh air now I'm back in that smelly place in that corner HELP ME!!!! I want to go home and sleep. 


Monday 9 November 2020

Trip recount

 WALT: Write a recount about our trip to the library, museum and Margaret Mahy

have you been to the moon exhibit at the museum?

On Thursday room 3 and room 2 went on the bus  to the museum and the library and Margaret Mahy but the bus was late because Mr Gray said the wrong time.

Room 3 went to Margaret Mahy and the library first I was climbing on the big spider web. It was SO hot outside. We also had some food to give us energy.

Then we went to the library. I got out a book and we went to Imagination station. I chose the sisters because I have read book 1 and wanted to read the next one. There was a slide we went in a little grass room. Me and some of my friends doid a little performance. I did silly things like silly dances! It was so cool.

Then we had lunch outside the musuem. Finally the museum. We  went to the moon exhibit and we made some games and played some games we played ring toss and marbles.

Friday 30 October 2020

Saint Gertrude

 WALT: Chose a Saint and find out some thing about them

My Saint was Saint Gertrude a patron Saint of cats and gardeners.

Place of Birth:

Landon Belgium 

All About 

Saint Gertrude 

5 Character Traits to describe

Example of character traits: thoughtful, kind, generous, calm, brave, independent.

Date Canonized:



1: kind





Feast Day:

17th of March

Major Shrine:

Collegiate Church of Saint Gertrude Nivelles walloon Brabant Belgium


Cats and gardeners


Friday 23 October 2020

Calendar art

 WALT: do a advertisement of our calendar art.

this is my calendar art advertisement.


Friday 16 October 2020

Picking up rubbish at Thompson park

 WALT: looking after our environment.

Today the year 4-8 went out looking for rubbish after we went to Thompson park to pick up rubbish and have a play. I liked going it was something different. We got a lot of rubbish. have you gone for a rubbish pick up with school?


Maths fractions

 WALT: for maths fill the fractions slide.

do you like fractions?


What a load of rubbish

 WALT: take photos of the rubbish and say what is good to be in there and if there is a lot or little.

have you done this befour? 


Tuesday 13 October 2020

The Dive mat

 WALT: write what we had to do for P.E

Have you ever jumped on a dive mat?

Sunday 27 September 2020

Maths word problems

 WALT: for Spring learning journey.

my favourite part was making the problem.

do you like doing word problems?

i got this image from the internet  

Maths problem
My maths problem

The difference between a comic strip a comic book and a cartoon

 WALT: for Spring learning journey find out the  difference between a comic strip a comic book and a cartoon.

My favourite part was finding the images.

do you read comics books? what is your favourite comic book?


Friday 18 September 2020

Kei te pehea koe?

 WALT: do felling in Maori 

do you know any other felling?

Red Panda

 WALT: write about a animal of your choose.

whats your favourite animal?

number trail

 WALT: make the number you get given 

do you like maths?

my book review

 WALT: find a non-fiction and write you favourite prat and charterers. 

the book i did was a national geographic, do you read national geographies?

Tuesday 15 September 2020


 WALT: make one peace of paper heaver and one lighter.

my favourite part was making the heavy one. The heavy one fell first so it worked 

have you done something like this befour?


Friday 11 September 2020

My new Duffy book

 WALT: say thank you to Duffy 

the books i got were the baby sitters club Claudia and mean Janine and Amulet Firelight 

Thank you Duffy. have you read any of thees books?


book character day

 WALT: do a blog post about our character

 i dressed up a Jack scratch a pirate cat 

have you dressed up as a pirate cat befour?

Thursday 10 September 2020

book character day

 WALT: make a poster about our book character day mufti 

this is my poster 

have you read Jack Scratch?

Friday 4 September 2020

My maths

 WALT: for maths do divided by

do you like doing maths?


 WALT: for art make monsters and colour them in and colour them in with die.

my favourite part was drawing it, this is my monster.

have you made a monster?


My writing

 WALT: do some good writing

in room 3 Mr Gray showed us a picture of a stair case 

this is my writing.

There was a magical stair case with flowers and plants and rosy pink stairs, with cotton candy looking clouds as i walk up i hare the beautiful sound of the waves a butterfly on my head it was silver white. The sun shining making the ocean glisten. As i went up i past the foggy clouds it was mistrial...

whats your best writing?   

Thursday 3 September 2020

facts about mars

 WALT: find five facts about mars

in room 3 my reading group had to 5 facts about mars 

do you know any other facts about mars?

Wednesday 2 September 2020


 WALT: make a plane diagram 

my favourite part was making my plane on chrome canvas 

have you been on a plane?

Friday 28 August 2020


 WALT: for maths do times tables.

do you like maths?

Gods Presence

 WALT: on a google drawings ad an image of what we think Gods presence are in.

what do you think Gods presence are in?

Amazing New Brighton

 WALT: write a persuasive peace of writing.

my favourite part was thinking of the places in New Brighton 

have you been to the New Brighton hot pools?

Friday 21 August 2020

Kawa of care

 WALT: we are learning to use our Chromebooks responsibly

my favourite part was writing the kawa of care thing on the padlet

have you got a Chromebook?

Made with Padlet

Thursday 20 August 2020

Marvellous Magnets 🧲

 WALT: find out where the magnets come from

my favourite part was find out where they are and come from🧲

do you have magnets?


Wednesday 12 August 2020

would you rather

 WALT: write a would you rather 

im room 3 we are learning to persuade people 

would you rather be a sports star or a movie star?

i would rather be a movie star

what would you rather?   

Friday 7 August 2020

Marble game

WALT: make a marble game and play it 
my favourite part was playing it with Charlee and Emily. 
my lest favourite part was hurting my thumb.
how to play 

step 1. get Lego people of some thing like that in the shape of a pyramid.

 step 2. if you knock down 1 cup you get 1 point if you knock down 2 or more you get 2 points at the end of the game you knock down the end card and if you do you get 3 points

step 3.  the person with the most points win 

4. you can have up to 3 of 4 people play 

have you made a marble game?

joyful journey

WALT: trace all the places where Paul went

he went to a lot of places 
do you know any other places he went?

Wednesday 5 August 2020

pray fest

WALT: what life was like in the early church.

for prays we all got a card that had s o or w on it w go lots of money (fake money) s go 40 or 30c and o got in between that. We all had to put our money together to eat the food on the table we had hundreds and thousands cookies and chips. Mr Gray set people up to get some food we all got some it was fun.

have you ever done something like this?


Friday 31 July 2020

my Thankful list

WALT: for prays write what we are thankful for 

my favourite part was making some of the photos 
what are you thankful for?

Friday 24 July 2020


WALT: read the subtitles 

my favourite activity was unscramble the words 

i kind of liked the movie we watched, the movie we watched was meat the Robinsons. have you seen the movie?

Caring Certificate

WALT: make a certificate about caring.

my favourite part was making the Certificate.

my least favourite part was trying to make the medal.
the certificate was hard to do

have you made a certificate before?

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Wacky would you rather

WALT: Record augments and back them up with evidence
Mr Gray said we had write a argument about the one we would choose out of an Eagle or a Lion i chose a Eagle 
what would you choose out of a Lion or a Eagle?



Thursday 9 July 2020

wonderful winter wonder land

WALT: do a slideshow about 10 winter activities you can only do in winter.

my favourite part was finding out the information.

i got the pictures from google.

what is you favourite winter activity and why?

song maker about winter

WALT: make a song or a rhythm about winter and why it reminds you.

my favourite part was making the song. 

it was kind of hard to get a rhythm that reminds me of winter. 

it sounds like rain it was hard, i did this on chrome music lab and recorded it on screencastify.

have you ever made a song or a rhythm with song maker?

Friday 3 July 2020

chrome canvas

WALT:on chrome canvas do our dojo character

my favourite part was making the custom colours.

do you do chrome canvas? do you do class dojo?


Tuesday 30 June 2020

thing about Australia

WALT: learn thing about a counter of our choice my counter was Australia. 

my favourite part was finding out the information.  i did this on google slides and i got the images from google. this is my slid about Australia.

are you from Australia? do you like Australia?

Friday 26 June 2020

awesome maths

WALT: post you maths strategy.

my favourite part was doing the maths.
do you like doing maths?

Cool Maori

WALT: watch a video about saying hello in Maori.

my favourite part was making the comic. I did this on google slides and i got the images from google.
do you know any other works in Maori?

Friday 19 June 2020

My Maths strategy

WALT: put our maths strategy o n our blog.

my maths task was to count up one number or down one.

my favourite part was counting up one number.
do you like maths? this is my maths

God R.E

WALT: put a image of God on our blogs for R.E.

do you like eagles?

i got this image from google 

Thursday 18 June 2020

John 15:1 Matthew 23:27

WALT:make a google slid of drawing about John 15:1 Matthew 23:27 or others. Me and Anna did it about John 15:1 Matthew 23:27 i did John 15:1 and Anna did Matthew 23:27.

my favourite part was making the slid.  do you like making things on google slids?

Wednesday 17 June 2020

punctuation comic with animals

WALT: explain punctuation. 

my favourite part was making the comic. 

i got the animal photos from google and i did this on google slides.

whats your favourite comic book? 

Friday 12 June 2020

my maths

WALT: do my maths and post.

my favourite part was doing the maths 

do you like maths?

my Punctuation

WALT: (the reads can help) make a sentence with mistakes i  it.

my favourite part was making the paragraph.
do you like fixing things?


WALT: make a google drawing about friends.

my favourite part was making the Animals say things.
i got these from the internet the Animals are a Fennec fox, Cotton-top tamarin, panda and a squirrel
do you like any of these animals? 

Friday 5 June 2020

my hotspot task

WALT: post a hotspot task

5 facts about red pandas 

1. Red Pandas live in china 

2. there are 10,000 Red Pandas left in the world 

3. Red Pandas eat bamboo 

4. why are Red Pandas called Red Pandas? it is believed the Red Panda was given the name Panda which derived from the Nepalese word: nigalya  ponya meaning bamboo eater 

5. they have a false thumb (an extended wrist bone) which has developed over time to help them climb trees and eat bamboo 

do you know any facts about Red Pandas? 

time for maths

WALT: post a peace of maths 

my favourite part was matching up the letters with the words.

do you like doing maths?


Wednesday 3 June 2020

punctuation time

WALT: make Animal say punctuation
my favourite part was finding some Animals to put on the goggle drawing 

i got the the Animals of goggle and i did this on goggle drawings 

my Animal punctuation
do you like any of these Animals? do you have any other punctuation?

Saturday 30 May 2020

my stop motion the cubby

WALT: make a stop motion 

my favourite part was make the stop motion and putting sound on 
i made this stop motion with Lego and made it on stop motion animator and edited on Wevideo 

this is my stop motion 
(sorry i cant do the one with music) 
do you like making houses with Lego?

Friday 29 May 2020

the Ice Age review

WALT: make a writing review 

have you seen the movie Ice Age?

Jesus in the Temple

WALT: make a photo of Jesus in the Temple

my favourite part was making the photo on Jesus
Do you like the drawings? 

Thursday 28 May 2020

my you who do through pray

WALT: make a pray with you who do through.

my favourite part was making the pray.
my lest favourite part was copying the pray of the paper. 

this is my pray.

do you like making prays?

God our creator you know us and love us may we act fairly to all people and treat them with respect we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

the Samoan flag

WALT: Make the Samoan flag for Samoan language week

my favourite part was making the flag.

here is a photo
are you from Samoa?

Friday 22 May 2020

amazing maths

WALT: use a number line

my favourite part was making a number line

do you like number lines?

how Jesus died on the cross

WALT: we are learning about the life of Jesus.
here is my Powtoon it has music you might need headphones
have you made a Powtoon befour?

Wednesday 20 May 2020

my dojo character

WALT: describe our dojo character
 do you have dojo points?